Our goal is to return patients to their optimal level of health and help them get back to an active lifestyle and the activities they love.
In addition to physiotherapy, and chiropractic services, we offer leading-edge technologies such as radial shockwave therapy, spinal decompression, class 4 laser therapy, as well as massage therapy and acupuncture.
Our clinic brings together a network of healthcare professionals who work together to help patients address and manage both acute injuries and chronic pain. Whether you are in pain from a recent car accident, recovering from surgery, or have experienced long-standing shoulder pain, Glenora Chiropractic and Physiotherapy can help you feel and move better.
With a one-to-one treatment model, we are able to provide our patients with the time needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of their problem and to work alongside them through recovery. We take time to make sure our patients understand why they are in pain and how our treatments can help. We also provide our patients with the tools and strategies they can use to better manage symptoms outside the clinic and in daily life.