How Acupuncture Can Help with Arthritis Pain
The hard truth is that chronic knee pain can keep you from doing many things that you want to do on a daily basis. Even mundane activities such as walking and climbing up and down stairs can be difficult. It also interferes with your sleep as the pain keeps you up at night, leaving you exhausted during the day.
One of the most common causes of chronic knee pain is a form of arthritis called osteoarthritis. This condition occurs when the protective tissue on the ends of bones wears down, causing joint pain during or after movement. Symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain, inflammation, and joint stiffness, which makes it difficult to bend and extend the knee.
An Alternative Treatment for Arthritis
Doctors from all parts of the country are trying hard to avoid prescribing medication, including opioids, to reduce pain. An effective alternative to medication is acupuncture. This cost-effective treatment is found to be able to alleviate pain with minimal risk for the patient. As a matter of fact, acupuncture is now one of the most favorable treatments to treat chronic pain.
Acupuncture treatment is a practice of traditional Chinese medicine that dates back thousands of years. Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific areas on the body called “acupuncture points”. The needle insertion acts to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Acupuncture works to help a patient with the pain until proper knee replacement surgery is performed.
It is important to note that every patient is treated differently depending on their type of arthritis. While some people may feel less pain with needles alone, other patients may need a more advanced technique, such as electro-acupuncture, also known as percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) to find relief. Most patients who suffer from knee arthritis find that electro-acupuncture is an effective treatment for their condition.
People with mild or moderate knee arthritis may benefit from only a few sessions while others with more severe conditions may require ongoing acupuncture sessions that are more advanced. Acupuncture is often combined with other conventional treatments, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and injections.
Proven Benefits of Acupuncture
There are a substantial number of studies that support the effectiveness of acupuncture in easing chronic pain that results from osteoarthritis. In addition to stimulating an anti-inflammatory effect, many studies have found that acupuncture releases endogenous opioid endorphins, which are the body’s pain-relieving chemicals, allowing for natural pain relief.
Where to Find an Acupuncturist
These days, you can find an acupuncturist at your local hospital or in private practice. Regardless of where you choose to go, the first appointment will usually last the longest. That is because your acupuncturist will have to do a thorough assessment of your condition so that they can come up with a proper treatment plan for you. It is also important to update your acupuncturist regarding your progress or any recent health concern that may impact your treatment.
The Bottom Line
While living with arthritis can be painful, you should not let the condition control your life and your happiness. One easy way to mitigate the adverse effects of arthritis is getting proper treatment that can minimize your pain. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine are effective and cost-effective options that can relieve pain and inflammation, while also improving the range of motion in your knee.
Want to try acupuncture as a treatment for your arthritis pain? If you’re looking to book an acupuncture session in Edmonton, Alberta, Glenora Clinic is your best option. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you get back to the activities you love.